Read our frequently asked questions
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Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.
What is the best way to connect with the Camargo team?
Our team is standing by to help! Connect with us in the way that is most convenient for you!
- -Call: 513.561.5311
- -Text: 513.631.2189
- -Client Center:
- -Service Requests:
- -Service for Commercial Trucking:
How do I get a copy of my policy?
Once you come on board with Camargo, we will send you a copy of your policy via mail or electronically depending on the carrier and your preference. For renewals, we will do the same. If you cannot locate your policy, reach out to us directly and we'll provide you with a copy.
How do I add a driver?
Give us a call or send an email to with the driver's name, birthdate, and license #. We will contact the insurance carrier to get your driver added.
Where do I go for billing questions?
Depending on the carrier, you will often have online access to your billing information. If you have any questions or do not have online access, you can contact Camargo directly.
What do I do if I'm in a car accident?
- Stay Calm
- Call the police
- Take photos of the license plates and vehicle damage prior to moving the vehicles (If you can do so safely)
- Get yourself and your vehicle off the road
- Exchange information with the other driver
- Call your insurance company
How do I get a certificate of insurance?
The fastest way to get a certificate is to submit the request on our client portal at
You can also call, text, or email us.
If a friend drives my car, is he or she covered by my policy?
Since most insurance coverage is connected directly to the car, if someone else borrows your car occasionally, he or she should be covered under your policy. Yet, your premium is based on both your vehicle and the "primary" driver of that car - you. If someone starts driving your car more than you do, contact us to have them added to your policy to avoid coverage complications.
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