What's News December 2024
❄️❄️Happy Holidays from your friends at Camargo Insurance❄️❄️
Protect yourself from the Cyber Grinch! Cyber Grinches are lurking this holiday season, targeting individuals and businesses alike. From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, the risks are real—but you can stay one step ahead. Check out our latest blog for practical tips to keep your holiday cheer safe from cyber threats. We even have some gift ideas! READ MORE

How to protect your business from supply chain interruptions.
In today’s fast-paced world, delays in the supply chain can mean missed deadlines, unhappy customers, and disrupted cash flow. But with the right strategies, you can build a resilient supply chain that bounces back quickly from interruptions. From diversifying suppliers to leveraging technology and securing the right insurance, our latest blog explores actionable tips to keep your supply chain running smoothly—even when disruptions strike. READ MORE
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) encourages parents and caregivers to set clear boundaries with young drivers. Impaired driving, including distracted, drugged and drunk driving, causes numerous accidents and deaths each year. Read More
This Know Your Limits article examines a number of recent, severe business losses related to various lines of insurance. Keep Reading
Understanding the role of coinsurance and sublimits in cyber insurance. Cybercriminals use sophisticated ways to infiltrate businesses' systems and networks, putting sensitive data at risk. To manage risks, leaders need to adopt a robust cyber defense which includes cyber insurance. Understanding the nuances of coinsurance and sublimits in cyber policies is essential, as these clauses can impact your coverage and risk-sharing responsibilities. Learn More
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Proudly serving the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky region, while offering comprehensive coverage to businesses and individuals nationwide